Ambitious corporate climate action

Lead the way to a zero-carbon economy, boost innovation and drive sustainable growth by setting ambitious, science-based emissions reduction targets

Beyond Value Chain Mitigation

SBTi是发展g guidance to support companies to go beyond their science-based targets by channeling additional climate finance towards mitigation activities outside of their value chains.

Science-based targets show organizations how much and how quickly they need to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change.


Through the 2015 Paris Agreement, world governments committed to curbing global temperature rise to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that global warming must not exceed 1.5°C to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

To achieve this, GHG emissions must halve by 2030 – and drop to net-zero by 2050. We have limited time for action and the private sector has a crucial role to play – every sector in every market must transform. Organizations with science-based targets are alreadycutting emissions at scale; all businesses must now join them.

Join the companies taking action

We need a race to the top, led by pioneering companies and financial institutions. This will empower peers, suppliers and customers to follow suit and drive governments to take bolder action.

The change has already begun and action is gaining pace. Over a thousand organizations worldwide are leading the zero-carbon transformation by setting emissions reduction targets grounded in climate science through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

2569 with science-based targets
4918 companies taking action
1779 net-zero commitments


The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting. Offering a range of target-setting resources and guidance, the SBTi independently assesses and approves companies’ targets in line with its strict criteria.

Companies report that adopting a science-based target:

  • Boosts profitability
  • Improves investor confidence
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  • Reduces regulatory uncertainty
  • Strengthens brand reputation

Companies committed to the Science Based Targets initiative are demonstrating that creating a climate-secure world goes hand-in-hand with successful business operations.

Setting science-based targets supports an ambitious decarbonization roadmap, clarifying the alignment with the Paris Agreement, and promotes a global net-zero energy system Ernesto CiorraEnel Chief Innovability® Officer

Join the world’s biggest companies by cutting your GHG emissions

雷竞技官方app Submit a letter establishing your intent to set a science-based target
Develop Work on an emissions reduction target in line with the SBTi’s criteria
Submit Present your target to the SBTi for official validation
Communicate Announce your target and inform your stakeholders
Disclose Report company-wide emissions and progress against targets on an annual basis