Aline Bayon

Pipeline Manager WWF


Aline is Pipeline Manager of the Target Validation Team within SBTi, through WWF México. She follows-up and evaluates the new commitments and target submissions from companies.

She has experience with the private sector working as a consultant for French companies to guide and advise them to establish their activities in Mexico. She established the subsidiary company of a French Marine Biotechnology laboratory and worked during 4 years as General Director of this company.

Before joining the SBTi team, she worked for the United Nations Development Programm (UNDP) in México, as administrator and coordinator of projects, collaborating with the international cooperation for projects in relation with Biodiversity and Climate Change, like the Sixth National Mexican Communication on Climate Change and the Nagoya Protocol.

She holds a Master of International Business (MIB) from the EAE University of Barcelona, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the ESC Montpellier in France and a Bachelor degree in Business, Science and Economics from Halmstad University of Sweden.

She loves walking through and feeling nature and communicating with animals.
